After studying biochemistry, molecular biology and law in Heidelberg, he took his PhD at the Max von Pettenkofer Institute for Virology, at the Genecenter of the LMU in Munich. After his education in a boutique patent law firm in Munich, he became German and European Patent Attorney.
Through his journey he was able to counsel companies of different sizes and business models and within different industries, among those drug discovery and generic pharma companies, as well as companies in the medical device and chemical industry, from the large corporate to various start-ups. He entered the Electrolux Group in 2016 and was until recently head of patents of the German patent department, as well as leading the global IP team of about 45 people ad interim.
His superpower is that Christian is in addition a certified innovation manager (TÜV) and Scrum Master (CSM). His focus is the agile enablement and development of a sustainable and value-oriented patent organization and strategy. Christian has driven the organisational transformation of IP teams into agile IP rocket teams embracing equality and diversity. Application of agile project development methods and mindsets paved the way for cross-functional IP management, an agile IP organization and negotiation teams under his leadership.
Daten & Fakten
Dipl. biol., Dr. rer. nat.
Patentanwalt European Patent,
Trademark and Design Attorney
Scrum Master (CRM)
Innovation Manager (TÜV)
Nationales, Europäisches und Internationales Patent-, Gebrauchsmuster-, Geschmacksmuster- und Markenrecht, Arbeitnehmererfindungsrecht, Lizenzvertragsrecht, Wettbewerbsrecht auf den Gebieten der Wissenschaft und Technik, der Kennzeichen und des Designs, sowie Portfoliomanagement, Due-Diligence-Prüfungen, Bewertung von Schutzrechten, Innovationsmanagement, Patentportfoliomanagement, Patent-Stratgie (Beratung von Startups, KMU und Patentabteilungen von Großunternehmen, IP Business Case Analyse) und IP Leadership.
Immunology, Vaccines and Viral Vectors, medical devices, household appliances, induction, microwave and steam, food preparation and food technology, vegan and sustainable eating
Substitute Member of the Council of the Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office – EPI
Member of the Board of the German Patent Attorney Federation - BDPA
Member of the Association of Intellectual Property Experts – VPP
Member of Lions Club “Hohe Schule” Ingolstadt